Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday 03-11-07 1900

Hi all,

Nothing new to report really. He's looking quite comfortable but not doing much.

His nurse reckons that they will try and do another CT scan on Monday. The antibiotics seem to be working. His temperature has come down to a more sensible level. I'm not sure what the chest infection actually is but hopefuly he'll beat it in the next couple of days and concentrate on fighting the bigger fight.

The doctor has not asked to see us at all today. My guess, as I said before, is that they want to monitor him further. I can't really say much more at the moment.

I'll go back in to see him shortly and then leave him to get some rest. At the moment the nurses are changing over and we're being forced to watch the X-Factor or someother such rubbish. Mental Cruelty at it's most extreme. Perhaps we should put it on in front of Neil and see if he wakes up and throws something at it.

That's all for now. Keep thinking of him.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Hi Felix
After our conversation im phoning round to give out this site to the lads.
If the x-factor wont work tell him from us if he dont wake up his possession will overrun...
Everyone is thinking of Neil fingers crossed he will come round soon.